Thursday, September 25, 2014

Beer with Strangers Episode 34

This week, we're joined by +Todd DeHart of +GCFL to talk about the Radical Beer festival in Berlin, update the Kickstarter info on Burley Oak and take some cheap shots at kooky homebrew apparatuses. Also, the new brewing class schedule is out. If for some reason you're reading this and haven't yet learned to brew, you'll have a chance to fix that soon.
Finally, we give a sneak preview of the Good Beer Festival, which this year will be amazing (again).

If you're interested in participating in our Hangout on Air or you'd like to come in and share a beer with us, email me here, or message Tony on +State of the Beer. The show's Facebook page is Beer with Strangers and we're "@beerwstrangers" on Twitter.
Finally, and please, consider subscribing on iTunes or on YouTube (if you click the iTunes, your iTunes window will open. Don't be afraid).
If you are or know anyone who is interested in taking a brewing basics class (the class is free and lots of fun) have them reserve a space here. Taking a class is the best way to figure out whether homebrewing is for you. Many people take several before trying on their own at home.


If you love to look at us, here's the video:

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