My thought was wrong.
Although it was counter-intuitive to me, he said summer isn't particularly a busy time for homebrewers because the unpredictable heat spells make it tough on yeast and on fermentation generally. Unless, of course, you're making a lighter beer, like a Saison.
Farmhouse ales, as it turns out, aren't an accident of history but rather a produce of weather. Most people (I guess) are aware of this, but it was a headslap moment for me.
The reason we'd planned on (and eventually began) speaking about additives was I'd recently seen an ad for Dos Equis Azul (a beer made with blue agave) and it reminded me of Carton Canyon, a lager by Carton Brewing using blue agave that was an exquisite beer (bummer alert: it's exclusive to the taproom and the local restaurant for which it was brewed).
Finally, we made it to the Q&A section, covering off-flavors attributable to Irish moss. Here, nearly as mind-blowing as the summer Saison to my little brain, was seaweed people have been adding to beer for millennia to make it clearer. Or maybe not specifically to make it clearer, but through trial and error (like everything else in brewing) it was discovered that too much of it (or if it was insufficiently dried or stored) effected the beer's taste in an undesirable way, and too little left the beer with too many floaters.
If you're interested in being the next call-in guest on the show or you'd like to come in and share a beer with us, email me here, or message Tony on +State of the Beer. The show's Facebook page is Beer with Strangers and we're "@beerwstrangers" on Twitter.
Finally, and please, consider subscribing on iTunes 'cause that way Apple will remind you to listen (if you click the link, your iTunes window will open. Don't be afraid).
If you are or know anyone who is interested in taking a brewing basics class (the class is free and lots of fun) have them reserve a space here. Taking a class is the best way to figure out whether homebrewing is for you. Many people take several before trying on their own at home.
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